Sixth Form students at KBA are role models to the students in the rest of the academy and in addition to their outstanding behaviour, attitude and ethos, are also expected to set an example through their high standard of business-like dress and the way in which they present themselves.

Further details of the new Sixth Form Dress Code are detailed on this page.
- Smart suit consisting of tailored jacket and trouser.
- Ties/bow ties worn with a collared shirt
- Dark coloured polishable, leather look or suede shoes
- Jackets must be worn at all times when moving around the academy and in formal situations such as assemblies.
- Jumpers may not be worn without a jacket and may not be hooded
- Hair must be a natural colour and should not be extreme in style
- Only one piercing per ear
- Lanyards must been worn at all times whilst onsite.
- Tailored skirts/dresses (knee length)
- Tailored smart trousers
- Blouse, shirt or smart top
- Formal suit blazer/jacket. Jackets must be worn at all times when moving around the academy and in formal situations such as assemblies.
- Dark coloured polishable, leather look or suede shoes.
- Hair must be a natural colour
- Only one piercing per ear
- Lanyards must been worn at all times whilst onsite.
- Sheer, low-cut tops, crop tops, off the shoulder tops or tops with thin straps
- Shorts
- Leggings or jeggings
- Tight or revealing outfits
- Hats of any kind (in the academy)
- Extreme hairstyles
- Sunglasses
- Over-sized brand names, slogans or logos
- Hoodies
- Track suits
- Denim
- No stiletto heels
- Trainers/canvas shoes including Converse or skater shoes
- Ugg boots, flip flops or casual sandals such as Birkenstock
- Soiled, frayed, ripped or faded clothing
- Facial piercings are not allowed
- Headphones and mobile phones, except in 6th Form areas
- Coats must not be worn inside the academy building
- Clothing for specific lessons, such as PE should not be worn in public areas of the school. Students should change before attending other lessons.
- Visible tattoos
As always, it remains at the discretion of the Sixth Form team regarding acceptable standards of dress. Those students, who do not meet the Sixth Form dress code policy can expect to be sent home to change. If you would like clarification regarding a particular item of clothing before you purchase it, please feel free to email sixthform@kba.uk and a member of the team will get back to you.
We look forward to welcoming all Sixth Form students in September wearing smart, business attire. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or a member of the Sixth Form team.