Department leader: Rhiannon Marshall
Welcome to Modern Foreign Languages at KBA!
Languages offer a great way to connect and learn about other cultures
whilst also widening our understanding of our own language. They also provide
students with the opportunity to develop key communication and analytical
skills which can be applied to many aspects of life. Lastly, in an increasingly
competitive global market, studying a language to a high level will give any
candidate a competitive edge.
Here are KBA we offer three languages; Spanish, French and German and we
encourage students to study their allocated language to at least to GCSE level.
As a department we are incredibly passionate about broadening students’
horizons and so we strive to challenge learning by using as much of the target
language in lesson as possible. We believe that learning languages fosters
life-long learning skills that prepare pupils not only for further study, but
also for employment. Languages also offer a great way to connect and learn
about other cultures whilst also widening our understanding of our own