Safeguarding and Welfare

At Kettering Buccleuch Academy the safeguarding of our students is our top priority.

This page of our website contains information, advice and guidance for members of our own community and beyond who are looking for support in relation to a range of topics relating to safeguarding young people.

Scroll down the page to find links for important safeguarding topics.

Key Staff

Phil Henton             Vice Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead       

Laura Terrett           Welfare and Safeguarding Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Sexual Harrassment and Sexual Abuse In Schools

Sexual harrassment and sexual abuse in any form is unacceptable.

If you are a student and think you are the victim of sexual harrassment or sexual abuse, or if yoiu think you have witneessed this, we are here to help you. You can either;

  • speak to a member of staff, or
  • email our welfare team via

Please remember that any staff member that you speak to cannot promise confidentiality. They will listen to you and then pass information on to a member of our welfare team.

A dedicated helpline is now open to support anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse.

The helpline is run by the NSPCC and will provide victims of abuse with the appropriate support, advice and onward action, including on contacting professionals or the police if they wish. The helpline will also provide support to parents and professionals too.

Telephone 0800 136 663, or email

More information can be found at

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub

If the academy has a safeguarding concern about a child this may be referred to the local authority's Multi Agency Safegaurding Hub (MASH) by a member of the safeguarding team. Members of staff and mempers of the public are also able to make referrals to this service.

Concerns are dealt with by a dedicated team of child protection professionals from the following agencies within Northamptonshire:

  • Children's Social Care
  • The Crime Reduction Initiative
  • A Domestic Abuse Advisor
  • The Early Help Team
  • The East Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Education / Schools
  • The Fire and Rescue Service
  • Health / NHS
  • Police
  • The Probation Service
  • The Youth Offending Team

The MASH team identify risks to (and needs of) children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective, joined up actions. The aim of the MASH is to make the right decisions for the right families at the right time.

Children and young people may come to the attention of the MASH team because:

  • A parent or carer may have requested support directly
  • A professional may feel that a family need help or support
  • A child or their family come into contact with the police
  • A child tells someone about abuse (either physical, sexual, or emotional)

When a child is referred, the case is assigned to a professional group within the MASH who will gather any information about the child/family as quickly as possible.

A senior and experienced Social Work Practitioner will use the Thresholds Guidance (PDF 634KB) to decide if the child's circumstances mean that the case should be dealt with by the MASH or if the Early Help Team should find a solution instead.

Following the move to the two Unitary authorities there have been changes made to the MASH Customer Service Centre.

Going forward, all professionals and members of the public who wish to contact MASH, should be doing so on the Northamptonshire West number: 0300 126 7000

Policies relating to Safeguarding can be found on the Policies page of our website.

What is mental health?

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Being mentally healthy means that: 

  • we feel good about ourselves
  • we can make and keep positive relationships with others
  • we feel able to manage our feelings rather than feeling overwhelmed by them
  • we have interests or hobbies that we enjoy
  • we feel hopeful and positive about the future. 

Good mental health helps us to cope with life’s ups and downs. Sometimes it's best to ask for support from others if we need it.

Mental health spectrum

Mental health and mental illness are part of a scale or ‘spectrum’ just as physical health and illness are. Many things can lead us to move up and down the spectrum at different times of our life.

Some things that might harm our mental health are: 

  • having friendship difficulties such as lots of arguments
  • feeling under pressure at school, like during exams
  • feeling worried about the health of a friend or family member
  • being bullied – in person or online. 

Some things that might protect and improve our mental health are: 

  • having a close friend you trust, or a supportive group of friends
  • having a teacher or other staff member at school you can go to if you need help
  • enjoying time at home with your family
  • having hobbies or interests you enjoy taking part in
  • eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of sleep.  

It is important to remember that, just as our mental health can suffer during difficult times in our life, it can also recover.  

Tips for how to look after your mental health

Here is some advice on what you can do every day to help look after your mental health. There are also some extra tips for what to do if times get tough.

Day to day

There are some things that we can all do which have been shown in research to help keep our minds healthy – they are called the five ways to wellbeing and are described here:

When times get tough

Remember that it is normal to go up and down the spectrum of mental health at different times in our lives. Here are some things you can do to support yourself when things get tough: 

Try writing down how you feel

Some young people find keep a 'mood diary' helpful to record how they feel on different days and identify any patterns which might explain what is upsetting them. 

Reach out to others who are struggling

If you know that someone else in your friendship group is also finding things difficult, reach out to them and see if you can support each other. Helping someone else can help you feel better too. 

Be kind to yourself

When times are hard, it’s important to be extra kind to yourself, just as you would be kind to a friend in need. Think about what you might find comforting – reading a favourite book, playing your favourite music, watching a film you enjoy with a friend or parent/carer, going for a walk to clear your head. 

Speak to someone you trust

One of the most important things you can do is to speak to someone rather than ‘bottling up’ your feelings inside yourself. Choose a close friend, family member or a teacher or other school staff member to share your worries with.

Ask for help

If you continue to struggle, and especially if you have any thoughts about hurting yourself, speak to a member of school staff or ask your parent/carer to book a GP appointment for you.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone directly, you can call the Samaritans on 116 123 or Childline on 0800 1111. Remember there shouldn’t be any shame in asking for help, in fact it’s a sign of courage.

Further advice and support can be obtained from the following organisations:

Young Minds:

Youth Works:




How Safe Are Your Children Online?

There has been a lot of great work across Northamptonshire schools to help raise awareness and educate children, young people, parents and teaching staff. However we are all responsible for safety online whether at work or in the home and ensuring that children and young people are given the best advice and guidance on how to remain safe online.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire conducted research with young people last year about online safety.

Did you know?

  • 88% of young people in Northamptonshire don’t feel at risk online however a substantial number of young people do not fully understand security settings or why they are needed and some share passwords with people they have never met in person.
  • The average young person, who spends more than 3 hours a day on social media, is more prone to anxiety, depression and mental health issues in general.
  • Those aged 9-11 are the most vulnerable to online grooming.
  • Secondary schools are dealing with cyber-bullying, sexting and inappropriate use of the internet in general on a daily basis.
  • A third of parents across Northamptonshire would like more information about online safety.

What can you do?

  1. Check your privacy settings especially on social media
  2. Be clever with your passwords use a mixture of letters, numbers and use upper and lower case.
  3. Do not share your own personal details online and limit what information you are giving out online.
  4. Sharing photos and videos you must be careful! Google your name and see what comes up! It could well bring up videos and pictures that you are tagged in.
  5. Use direct message function - this lowers the chance of your information being passed on or copied and pasted onto other websites.
  6. Delete old accounts but remember you don’t delete anything from social media you deactivate information!
  7. Get anti-virus software

Where can I find further information?  


Website: NCC Bullying and Online Safety


Thinkuknow is an award-winning on and offline safety programme for children and young people, professionals and parents that has been developed by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.

Delivered through a network of 100,000 qualified professionals across the UK, Thinkuknow provides accurate and informative, age appropriate advice and guidance about relationships, sex and internet safety to help prevent children and young people from becoming victims of abuse or exploitation.

The programme’s innovative and engaging films, cartoons, websites and lesson plans aim to help teachers, youth workers, police officers and health professionals to explore difficult and sensitive issues safely with children and young people.

Over 3.5 million children a year in the UK already benefit from Thinkuknow. We would like to make sure that every child or young person does so by asking you to promote the resources to the professionals and parents you work with:

Resources for professionals can be downloaded at:  

Resources for parents and carers can be downloaded at - social workers may also find these resources useful for their professional development and for sharing with families.


Developed by CEOP and the internet parenting charity, Parent Zone, Parent Info provides up-to-date, expert information for parents on a range of concerns they may have about children and young people, which is designed for schools to post on their own website.

From advice on how much sleep a teenager needs to information about relationships, sex and internet safety, Parent Info provides a range of content that can easily be hosted on a school’s website.

Parent Info’s content can be adapted for use in a variety of ways including: as advice for parents and carers; to explain the PSHE curriculum; or as a pointer to policies or guide to parents if issues arise. There’s also a specially-curated feed for primary schools, with information on topics of interest to parents of younger children.

Northamptonshire Police are investigating on a daily basis cases involving the sharing of explicit material on social media involving children. The key message is to remind everyone that one click can have a massive impact and young people are being urged to think twice before ‘sexting’ and to pause before they post something on social media sites they may later regret.

It is vital that people are aware of the dangers of sharing explicit material online and could constitute a criminal offence. It may seem like harmless fun at the time but it can have huge emotional consequences for those involved, leaving them vulnerable to blackmail, bullying and harm. It’s really important to remember that once an image is online all control of where it ends up is lost.

It is vital that parents and carers understand the risks children face when they are online.

From social media to online gaming, the internet plays a major role in children's lives. It is a fantastic source of information and entertainment for children, but unfortunately offenders are increasingly using the internet and technology to harm children.

Here are some useful tips and reminders for your children:

  • Not everyone is who they say they are. It is very easy for somebody to hide their real identity online.
  • NEVER arrange to meet a person you have 'met' on the internet.
  • NEVER give out contact details to someone you have met online such as your phone number or address.
  • DO NOT give out personal details that could reveal your age, gender or location, such as your school.
  • Change your email address if you suspect someone you have met online has access to it.
  • Tell a parent or trusted adult if you’re worried about something or someone you have come across on the internet.
  • Only use moderated chat rooms to chat to your friends on, which are monitored to keep you safe.
  • Never email a photo of yourself to someone you’ve met online.
  • Don't believe everything you read - sometimes people don't tell the truth and will say things to manipulate you.
  • Use your common sense! If something seems wrong or makes you feel uncomfortable, you must tell a parent or another trusted adult immediately.

The NSPCC and ChildLine have produced a range of excellent online safety resources for both children and adults.

Please visit Northamptonshire Police website for further advice,  

Anybody who has concerns should report them to Northamptonshire Police on 101 or in an emergency 999.

Prevent is one of the four elements of CONTEST, the government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The Prevent Duty:

  • responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensures they are given appropriate advice and support
  • works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to deal with. The strategy covers all forms of terrorism, including far right extremism and some aspects of non-violent extremism.

The academy supports the work carried out by the charitable organisation Educate Against Hate. A Prevent myth-buster explaining the facts behind some common misconceptions can be downloaded via this link .

The document addresses myths about the burden of Prevent on teachers, misplaced ideas around Prevent and requirements to “spy” on pupils, the ability of schools and the support available to them to implement Prevent duty. 

You can download a booklet explaining PREVENT in detail at the following link. This is provided by the charitable organisation Let's Talk About It.


Female Genital Mutilation (or FGM) is illegal in the UK. It is a practice that takes place worldwide in at least 28 African countries and in parts of the Middle and Far East. It also takes place within parts of Western Europe and other developed countries, primarily among immigrant and refugee communities. UK communities that are at risk of FGM include Somali, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Sierra Leonean, Sudanese, Egyptian, Nigerian, Eritrean, Yemeni, Kurdish and Indonesian women and girls.

FGM has been classified by the World Health Organisation into 4 types; these are described on the World Health Organisation website.

FGM is a complex issue - despite the harm it causes, many women and men from practising communities consider it to be normal to protect their cultural identity.

FGM is believed to be a way of ensuring virginity and chastity. It is used to safeguard girls from sex outside marriage and from having sexual feelings. Although FGM is practised by secular communities, it is most often claimed to be carried out in accordance with religious beliefs. FGM is not supported by any religious doctrine.

The following resource from NHS Choices is useful for anyone who wishes to find out more information about FGM:

You may have heard of 'County Lines' in the local or national media. This is an issue that affects all schools and we are keen to ensure that our students, parents and carers are well informed.

County lines is a very serious issue where criminal gangs set up a drug dealing operation in a place outside their usual operating area. Gangs will move their drug dealing from big cities (e.g. London, Manchester, Liverpool etc.) to smaller towns in order to make more money. This can have a really big effect on the community who live there and bring with it serious criminal behaviour.

We know that there are a number of county lines running through Kettering and ask that you are vigilant in relation to the risks to young people of being drawn into this.

Crimes Associated with County Lines

County lines commonly involves the illegal distribution and dealing of seriously dangerous drugs from one city/town to another. The most common drugs involved are heroin and cocaine (crack and powder), but also MDMA, cannabis, amphetamines and spice.

Gangs sometimes use violence to threaten children and young people when recruiting them. Gangs have also been known to violently assault children and young people working for them if they find their drugs or money to be missing. Weapons such as firearms, knives, bats and acid are sometimes used to make violent threats.

Signs to look out for

Here are some signs to look out for that can suggest that a young person might be involved in county lines activity.

  • Are they regularly going missing from home?
  • Are they travelling alone to places far away from home?
  • Do they suddenly have lots of money/lots of new clothes/new mobile phones?
  • Are they receiving more calls or texts than usual?
  • Are they carrying or selling drugs?
  • Are they carrying weapons or know people that have access to weapons?
  • Are they in a relationship with or hanging out with someone/people that are older and controlling?
  • Do they have unexplained injuries?
  • Do they seem very reserved or seem like they have something to hide?
  • Do they seem scared?

Recognise these terms?

Here are some words/terms that are commonly used when describing county lines activity.


Cuckooing is when drug gangs take over the home of a vulnerable person through violence and intimidation, using it as their base for selling/manufacturing drugs.


This is the most popular term that describes county lines activity. It can also mean the act of travelling to another city/town to deliver drugs or money.


The act of selling drugs. Trapping can refer to the act of moving drugs from one town to another or the act of selling drugs in one.


A building used as a base from where drugs are sold (or sometimes manufactured). These houses are usually occupied by adult drug users but sometimes young people are forced to stay in trap houses.


This refers to when someone owns a mobile phone specifically for the purpose of running and selling of drug.

What to do if you have a concern?

As an academy we want to be able to help and support any young people who are being drawn into county lines activity.

Should you wish to report a concern relating to Gangs and County Lines please contact a member of our Safeguarding team via  



Childline - info about crime and what to do if someone tries to involve you in a crime or commits a crime against you.

Childline - gun and knife crime

Childline - gang crime and advice about what to do if you're being pressured into joining a gang, being made to do stuff you don't want to do and how to get out of a gang.

Childline - going to court when you've been accused of committing a crime or if you're a witness to a crime.

Fearless website - non-judgemental info about crime and criminality.

Report a crime anonymously

You can give information about a crime without having to give your name using the 'Fearless' website online report  form

Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 - it's anonymous so you don't have to give your name and your call can't be traced.

If you're worried about your safety or the safety of another child or young person:

Call 999 in an emergency.

Call 101 if it's not an emergency but you want to speak to a police officer.

Sexual exploitation affects thousands of children and young people across the UK every year. As a parent or carer, you could have an important role to play in protecting children from this horrific form of child abuse.

Sexual exploitation is a form of sexual abuse, in which a young person is manipulated or forced into taking part in a sexual act. This could be as part of what seems to be a consensual relationship, or it could be in return for attention, affection, money, drugs, alcohol or somewhere to stay. 

The young person may think that their abuser is their friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, but the abuser will put them into dangerous situations, forcing the child or young person to do things that they don't want to do. The abuser could threaten them or be violent towards them.

Spotting the signs

The signs can be very difficult to identify, young people who are being sexually exploited may:

  • be involved in abusive relationships, intimidated and fearful of certain people or situations
  • hang out with groups of older people, or anti-social groups, or with other vulnerable peers
  • associate with other young people involved in sexual exploitation
  • get involved in gangs, gang fights, gang membership
  • have older boyfriends or girlfriends
  • spend time at places of concern, such as hotels or known brothels
  • not know where they are, because they have been moved around the country
  • go missing from home, care or education.

What is 'grooming'?

The process known as 'grooming' is designed to isolate the child, break down the relationship with parents, carers and friends and so make the child easier to manipulate.

Signs of 'grooming' can be hard to spot. Children may:

  • be very secretive, including about what they are doing online
  • have money, cigarettes and new things such as clothes or mobile phones that they can't or won't explain
  • go to unusual places to meet friends
  • have access to drugs and alcohol.

In older children, signs of grooming can easily be mistaken for 'normal' teenage behaviour, but you may notice unexplained changes in behaviour or personality, or inappropriate sexual behaviour for their age.


Download the 'Tackling CSE Toolkit' for parents and carers

NSCB has produced a 'toolkit' to help parents and carers recognise Child Sexual Exploitation and provide them with practical advice on how to keep their children safe. 

The toolkit is a document divided into chapters. For parents and carers, we recommend reading chapter 1 and chapter 8 of the toolkit, these can be downloaded below:

Tackling CSE Toolkit Chapter 1 - What is CSE and what do I need to know?

This chapter includes;

  • Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Description of the 'Grooming Processes'
  • Behavioural and psychological signs of abuse
  • CSE and The Law
  • CSE and boys / young men
  • CSE and online grooming
  • CSE and relation to missing children, mental health and the effect on the family

Tackling CSE Toolkit Chapter 8 - Information for parents and carers

This chapter includes:

  • Your child and the internet (including internet use agreements that you and your child can use at home)
  • Parents/carers role in addressing the risk of CSE
  • Helping young people to understand 'consent'
  • Sexual Offences Act 2013 - understand what the law says about consent and the age of a child or young person
  • Resources for parents and carers

Parents and carers may also find the section aimed at children and young people useful: 

Chapter 9 - CSE information for children and young people

Or download Barnardo's short leaflet for parents and carers about child sexual exploitation.  

More help and resources for parents and carers:

Call or text 116 000 - young people's CSE helpline

This is a new national helpline for young people to call or text if they have concerns for themselves or a friend about child sexual exploitation: 116 000. It's free, anonymous and open 24 hours, 365 days per year. 

The following links could also help you:

 NSCB is currently running a campaign with Northamptonshire Police to raise awareness about CSE locally.

Could this be you or a friend?

  • Do you stay out overnight?
  • Have you been missing from home?
  • Do you miss school?
  • Does a grown-up outside your family give you money, clothes, jewellery, a mobile phone or other presents?
  • Do you have an older boyfriend or girlfriend?
  • Do you take drugs or drink alcohol?
  • Are you losing touch with your family or friends?
  • Do you hate yourself sometimes?
  • Are you secretive about where you go and who you see?
  • Do you chat to people on line your have never met?  

If this sounds like your life, or if you are worried about a friend, you or your friend could be at risk of child sexual exploitation by older adults.

Taking risks is part of growing up, but sometimes young people get out of their depth and need some help. 

You have a right to feel safe at all times reach out for help - don’t suffer in silence.

Who should you tell?

Services in Northamptonshire are ready to help - if something is happening to you, say something:

  • tell a friend who you know will tell a teacher or other useful adult
  • tell an adult
  • text or ring 116 000 - it's free, anonymous and open 24/7 - you can get advice or help for you or someone you know
  • ring 101 and report it to the police
  • ring the RISE team on 01604 888345 or email them

So what is Child Sexual Exploitation?

Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own, or other people’s benefit or enjoyment (including touching or kissing private parts, sex, taking sexual photos.)

(NWG Network, 2008)

So how does it happen?

We know from experience that some adults draw young people just like you into sexual relationships. They are not really your friends. 
This is how it works:

  • older adults are nice to you
  • they show you a lot of interest and affection at the beginning, and make you feel special
  • sometimes they ask groups of young people to come back to their house with older adults
  • they offer you drugs and alcohol and a place to chill out
  • they may even buy you presents like clothes, a mobile phone, even give you money to buy things like cigarettes
  • when they have gained your trust and affection they may change how they act around you
  • they will ask for sex or sexual touching for themselves or other people, in return for alcohol, drugs, presents, money; all the things they gave you for free a while ago
  • they stop being nice and become threatening and violent

What can I do?


The adults who have taken advantage of you are responsible and they are the people who have done something wrong. They might have told you it is your fault and you will get into trouble but that is just a lie to frighten you.

If you are worried about yourself or another young person you should talk to an adult straight away. In Northamptonshire we have a special team called RISE who are there to help you. All the adults in Northamptonshire who work for schools, health, education and youth groups have received information on child sexual exploitation so they can make sure you get the help you need.

So take that first step and tell an adult or call/text 116 000, the free, anonymous helpline, open 24/7.

Young Carers are children and young people who are aged under 18 and who provide regular care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled, or who misuses substances.

A child can become a Young Carer from a very young age. If a child needs to be looked after, because of additional needs or because the parent is unable to do so, this care might be taken on by a sibling, who may then be classed as a Young Carer. Practitioners working in Early Years or Education, including nurseries or pre-school, need to be aware of the signs that a pupil might be a Young Carer.

A Young Carer becomes vulnerable when the level of care-giving and responsibility to the person in need of care becomes excessive or inappropriate. This can impact on a child’s emotional or physical wellbeing, educational achievement and life chances, it can lead to:

• Problems at school, with completing homework and getting qualifications;
• Isolation from other children of the same age and from other family members;
• Lack of time for play, sport or leisure activities;
• Conflict between the needs of the person they are helping and their own needs;
• Feeling that there is nobody there for them;
• Lack of recognition, praise or respect for their contribution;
• Feeling that they are different from other children and unable to be part of the group; and
• Problems moving into adulthood, especially finding work, their own home and establishing relationships.

Please ensure that Northamptonshire County Council’s Children’s Social Care are aware of any Young Carers. Social Workers will carry out a ‘young carers needs assessment’ and will offer help and support where needed.  


Telephone: 0300 126 1000
Telephone: 01604 626 938 (out of hours)

Young Carers Strategy

Whenever anyone is worried about a child, for example a teacher or health visitor, they will make a referral to the team at the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

The MASH team brings together staff and information from the following agencies within Northamptonshire: 

  • Children's Social Care
  • Crime Reduction Initiative
  • Domestic Abuse Advisor
  • Early Help Team
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Education
  • Fire and Rescue Service
  • Health
  • Police
  • Probation Service
  • Youth Offending Team 

The MASH team are able to identify risks to and needs of children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective, joined up actions. The aim of the MASH is to make the right decisions for the right families at the right time. 

Children and young people may come to the attention of the MASH team because:

  • a parent or carer may have requested support directly
  • a professional may feel that a family need help or support
  • a child or their family come into contact with the police
  • a child tells someone about abuse, either physical, sexual or emotional.

When a child is referred, the case is assigned to a professional group within the MASH who will gather any information about the child/family as quickly as possible. 

A senior and experienced Social Work Practitioner will use a guidance document called Thresholds and Pathways to decide if the child's circumstances mean that the case should be dealt with by the MASH or if instead the Early Help Team should find a solution. 

What happens next?

Once information is gathered, a decision is made by MASH Partners and a Social Care Manager about the referral. This will be one of the following:

  • Case raises serious concerns or identifies complex needs and is passed to Children's Social Care.
  • Case does not raise serious concerns but it is assessed the family would benefit from some support from the Early Help Team.
  • Case has identified a child with additional needs which will be assessed and addressed through an Early Help Assessment.
  • Case raises no concern and the child can be supported by universal services.

How will I find out what is happening?

In most cases you will be contacted by the MASH team or service you have been referred to, who can update you on what action has been taken. 

You can also contact the MASH to find out about the referral. If the referral is progressed to Children's Social Care, the social worker will contact you for a discussion or to arrange a time to meet with you and your family. 

Data Protection

The MASH team have a responsibility to improve the wellbeing of children and young people. By sharing your information we can ensure the best decision is made for your child and provide you with appropriate help and support when it is needed. 

Information held by the MASH will be kept and processed securely, in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. It will only be shared with other practitioners and/or agencies on a 'need to know' basis, either:

  • where there are believed to be child protection issues, or
  • where information is required to ensure your child receives the appropriate assessment of services.


If professionals are referring your child to the MASH team for advice and support, they will need to ask your permission first. In cases where your child may require a social work assessment, this will be discussed with you. Your agreement to a referral will be actively sought, however professionals are able to refer your child without your permission if they have concerns that your child has suffered, or is likely to suffer harm. 

Where professionals are referring your child to the MASH team because of child protection concerns, you will only be told about the referral beforehand if the professional is sure this would not increase the risk to your child. 

What should I do if I'm not happy?

If you aren't happy with the way the MASH team deals with any referral about your family, please raise this first by contacting the MASH team

If you are still not happy, you can make a complaint by contacting the Customer Feedback Team on 01604 363436.

Download/print this information in leaflet format

The information provided on this page is also provided in a leaflet "Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: Information for Parents and Carers", that you can download and print. It includes examples of different cases that have been referred to the MASH and will help you understand more about how the MASH works. 

Other websites

NCC Bullying and Online safety Webpage

Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is they also provide you with a safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously. You can visit it here:

Educate Against Hate is a Government website providing advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values. They also produce a very informative guide for parents which can be accessed here:

This  A-Z guide is a useful overview of key mental health topics.

Young Minds provide useful information for young people and their parents about mental health, seeking treatment and the mental health system.

Childline have lots of advice about managing different feelings as well as their phoneline which is open 24 hours a day.

Kooth provide counselling support both face to face and online.

Mind have a whole range of information and support information for children and parents on their website.

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