New Year 7 : September 2024
We are very much looking forward to our new Year 7 intake beginning their KBA journey in September 2024. Lots of work is already going on behind the scenes in order to make your transition as smooth as possible.
At the bottom of this page you will find answers to some frequently asked questions from new Year 7 parents.
Transition Evening Information
We held our Transition Evening for parents of new Year 7 students on Monday 8th July.
Important information shared at this event can be found below.
Important Dates For Your Diary
Friday 27th September 2024
Baseline testing report and NEW timetable (New Ma/En/Sc sets)
January 2025
Mid-year testing in all subjects
Mid-year report – Tuesday 11th January 2025
Thursday 6th March 2025
Year 7 Academic Parents' Evening (in-person 5-8pm)
June/July 2025
End of Year testing in all subjects
Year 7 End of Year report - Wednesday 16th July 2025
Assessment and Academic Performance
During Year 7 students' first week (from Wednesday 4th September) they will have the following assessments:
- MidYis (Cognitive Ability) Tests
- NGRT and NGST (Reading and Spelling Tests)
In the first few weeks, students will be tested in the following subjects:
Year 7 students will initially be set in English, Maths and Science using the KS2 Reading and Maths scaled scores.
Our internal assessments will allow us to baseline the students accurately and will allow us to modify the teaching sets English,
Mathematics and Science from Monday 30th September.
Arbor Application
The Arbor Parent Portal provides parents with live information regarding behaviour, attendance and academic performance
All academic reports issued for students are stored electronically and are accessible at any time via the Arbor Parent Portal.
As all reports are shared with parents via the Arbor Parent Portal, it is important that we are provided with your email address in
order to facilitate this.
Parents with more than 1 child at the school can view all their children’s information on Arbor Parent Portal at once
Access via
The Arbor app is available through Apple Store and Google Play
SEND Information Booklet
If you are the parent of a student with special educational needs and/or disabilities, please take a look at this booklet and share it with your child in advance of their start with us.
SEND Information Booklet
Don't Worry
If you are a student who is going to be joining us from another primary school we hope you are excited. We do, however, also know that this can be a worrying time for some students and our aim is to make the step into secondary education a happy and successful one.
This link will take you to the BBC website where you will find lots of useful advice and guidance about starting secondary school.
Getting Ready
We will be communicating with all primary schools from where our Year 7 intake are joining us and we hope that Mrs Hawthorn, Head of Year 7, will be able to meet with all new students either virtually or in their primary school setting. Mrs Hawthorn will also be sending out regular newsletters for new Year 7 students so that they know what is happening in preparation for September.
Our SENCO, Mrs Thomas, will also be communicating with staff at primary schools in order to ensure that we have the most accurate picture of individual student's learning needs.
Frequently Asked Questions (Students)
Which House will I be in?
At KBA we have 4 Houses; Braveheart, Griffin, Phoenix and Viking.
- If you are joining us from our own primary school you will remain in your current House.
- If you are joining us from another primary school but have a sibling who attends KBA as of September 2021 you will placed into the same House as them.
- If you have no sibling link, you will be allocated to a House.
Who will my form tutor be?
We have a team of 8 fantastic form tutors who are led by Miss Thompson. We are in the process of allocating students to form groups and will share this information with you before you join us.
Will I be in a tutor group with my friends?
We cannot guarantee that children will be placed in tutor groups with their friends. It is, however, important to remember that you will be in classes with lots of different people from other tutor groups during lessons. This means that, even if you are not in the same tutor group as your friends, you may be in the same lessons as some of them.
How will I find my way around the building?
Don't worry! When you join us you will be given a special lanyard to wear which will include a map of the academy building.
If you do get lost at any point, just ask someone politely and they will help you.
How many different lessons will I have?
You will have lots of lessons and this will feel different to your primary school where you are likely to have stayed with one teacher for most of the time. Our curriculum offers you experience of a broad range of subjects.
How long are lessons?
You will have 6 lessons throughout the day that are each 50 minutes long. Occasionally you may have a 'double' lesson which will last for 2 x 50 minutes.
If I am worried about something who can I talk to?
Your form tutor will make sure that you settle into secondary school life. If you are worried about anything they should be the first person that you go to. You can also talk to your parents or carers of course - it may be that they can reassure you about your worries.
Frequently Asked Questions (Parents and Carers)
As a parent, how can I support my child in preparing for secondary school?
Starting secondary school is a significant milestone in a child's life. It marks a passage into adolescence and brings about several significant changes. They will go from being the oldest in school to being the youngest, having to find their way around a large new school with different teachers for different subjects. They will also have to take more responsibility, such as:
- taking a new and unfamiliar route
- planning for each day's timetable
- making sure they have the right books and equipment
- doing homework most evenings, which has to fit into their routine alongside other interests
All of this will have to fit into your child’s new routine, alongside their other interests and the often daunting prospect of becoming a teenager. It can take time for children to adjust to these new responsibilities.
As a parent, talking to your child and reassuring them is the best way to make sure that they are ready for their first day at 'big school'. Once your child has started school, make time to talk and listen to your child each day to check how things are going. Just giving attention in this way can help your child feel supported and more confident. However, resist the temptation to ask too many questions, especially when a child first gets home from school and is likely to be tired, hungry and short-tempered from coping with many new people and things.
What do I do if I have a question about something?
If you are the parent or carer of a student who is due to join us in Year 7 in September 2022 and have a question, please email our Head of Year 7, Nikki Thompson, who will be pleased to deal with this. She can be contacted via
I am really worried about my child starting secondary school. What can I do?
Having a child is a bit like a long journey towards redundancy. In those early years, you are indispensable but as time progresses your child grows in their independence and detachment from you. This is, of course, a wonderful journey but starting secondary school can be a difficult milestone for some parents.
Take time to consider how your emotions might be influencing their preparations. Often disagreements about clothing and how they travel to school are really a parental reaction to realising their child is accelerating towards adulthood.
Be sure that you are focused on the real concerns and fears of your child.
How do I make sure my child is organised for school each day?
Starting secondary school brings with it changes in how your child will need to approach their education. They will have to become more responsible as they attend their timetable of classes, manage homework and (hopefully) remember to bring the correct books.
It can be tempting to do this for them. However, the transition to secondary school is about increasing their independence and self-reliance. Therefore help them to get organised by planning a night before routine or make up a checklist of what they need each day based on their timetable.
Then step back and let them pack their bag and prepare their kit for the school day.
My child will be making their way to school on their own. Have you got any advice about this?
Starting secondary school often means travelling further from home. Now public transport or walking with friends to school may be their preference or a necessity.
Help calm any new term jitters by travelling the route with them in advance. Show them the route via car or take the public transport they will need to use to get to school if this is the case for your child.
If your child is going to be travelling to school by bicycle, make sure that they are competent and understand how to be safe. We always advise that children wear a cycle helmet.