Votes For Schools

Votes for Schools is a weekly current affairs voting platform designed to engage young people in political and social issues. Through weekly debating and voting, not only are young people learning about the world around them, they are becoming prepared for participating in our democratic processes.

Our secondary students discuss a Vote Topic each week as part of their tutorial programme before then voting to share their personal and collective opinion.

In the session, students take part in debates and activities to give them a better understand on the topic.

A selection of previous Vote Topics can be found below together.

Should everyone volunteer in their community?

Is the opt-out system the best way to increase organ donations?

Does the modern world make it harder for diseases to spread?

Do you enjoy reading?

Do young people know the signs of an abusive relationship?

Do you want to be internet famous? (in association with Safer Internet Day)

Should girls' and boys' mental health be treated differently?

Is the UK a tolerant place to live?

Should youth criminal records last into childhood?

Could you go vegan for a month?

Can one event define a decade?

Can homelessness affect anyone?

Are disabilities still misunderstood?

Is all fake news bad?

Can sharing stories prevent extremism?

Do you think it is possible to reduce bullying in your school?

Are young people interested in politics?

Are super-size classes the future?

Can chart music teach us about black history?

Will vaping be banned?

Will increased awareness help end modern slavery?

Could we live without single-use plastic?

Is gaming good for you?

Are world leaders listening to us?


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