Year 12 Open Day Visits
Year 12 students will be given the opporunity to visit Nottingham University and Loughborough University during the Summer Term. Last year, students attended open days at the University of Cambridge, the University of Birmingham and University of Nottingham. These were informative and gave a great insight into potential life at the university. Accounts of the visits are given below:
Cambridge University

A group of Year 12 students visited Cambridge University for an open day. The visit included a session about student life, information regarding making a competitive application and a workshop relating to studying at the university.
University of Nottingham

“On June 30th, Year 12 students were given the opportunity to visit the University of Nottingham for an open day. By talking to both university students and professors, a unique insight was offered into life at the university and the expectations to have when starting a course. Particularly impressive were the resources offered at the onsite sports village, and the campus' close proximity to the town. The different options for student accommodation varied in style (and price), yet were all within a convenient distance of the university, with busses shuttling people to and from the housing areas.” Sean
University of Birmingham

On Friday 23rd of June, KBA’s year twelve departed for their first of two university trips; to The University of Birmingham. Students made the most of the opportunities on offer, ranging from taster lectures to tours of the Halls of Residence. The University itself offered a range of market styled stalls, adding to the atmospheric feeling of city life and independence. Many of the buildings were surrounded by coffee shops and cafés, filled with students of all ethnicities, emphasising Birmingham’s cultural diversity. When the students left at the end of the day, many had new-found excitement towards the next stages of their lives and the prospect of University in a year’s time. Kieran Curtis