Year 11 Prom 2025

Our Year 11 Prom takes place this year on Thursday 26th June. We are pleased that the Prom will once more take place at Boughton House and thank His Grace, The Duke of Buccleuch for providing a once in a lifetime experience for our students.

Attendance at our Year 11 Prom is a privilege and not a right. Students will begin to receive invitations to the Prom from the end of Term 4.

The image below shows the grandeur of our Prom's setting. You can see the marquee together with cars parked in the parent parking area.

How To Get There

There are a range of images below which show how to get to the Prom at Boughton House and where parents/guests and prom traffic needs to go.

If you have any questions please email

The first image below explains how to get to Boughton House.


The next image shows the approach route to the house together with the parent parking area.

The image below shows the point at which parents veer to the right to the parent parking area.

Prom transport goed straight on at this point towards the archway.

Arrival (Parents and Visitors)

It is very important that all parents and visitors who are coming to watch the arrival of students arrive no earlier than 6:00pm and no later than 6:30pm

Later arrivals hold up the entry of students arriving in Prom transport

If you are bringing a student who will be entering the Prom by foot we ask that you arrive by 6:30pm – these students should then make their way to the archway where they will be met by a member of staff

Arrival (Students)

Students arriving in Prom transport should arrive no earlier than 6:50pm

Prom transport will be held in a queue

At 7:00pm cars will be admitted through the archway with each student/group of students being welcomed by Mr Di Salvo and Mr Shaw at the red carpet

Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below a list of frequently asked questions relating to our Year 11 Prom.

We are really looking forward to enjoying an amazing evening on Thursday 27th June.

Where is the Prom held?

The Prom is held on the main lawn in front of Boughton House. Access to the venue is via the first access gate to Boughton House on the road from Geddington to Grafton Underwood. A signpost will be outside this entrance on the evening.


If you are planning to arrive by an unusual means of transport OR in a vehicle that is bigger than a fire engine you must contact Mr Henton via the email address below at the earliest opportunity.

Can you give me directions to the Prom?

From Kettering, make your way to Geddington and take the 2nd right turn onto West Street.

Keep going and you will see the main entrance to Boughton House on your right - there will be a KBA Prom Entrance sign by the gates.

Make your way down the drive. You will see that parents and visitors cars are parked on the field to the right hand side of the archway.

What time does the Prom start and finish?

The Prom officially starts at 7pm but we ask that students make arrangements to arrive at some time between 6.45 and 7pm. The Prom finishes at 10.15pm and, again, we ask that all parents make arrangements to collect their children at this time.

Can family and friends come along to watch my child arrive at the Prom?

Of course. We encourage parents, friends and family to come along and watch students arrive.

However, if you are planning to watch your child arrive, we ask that you are at the venue no earlier than 6:00pm and no later than 6.30pm.

Parking for parents will be clearly signed as you enter the venue.

We will provide an opportunity for you to take photographs with your child after all students have arrived.


What does my child have to wear to the Prom?

We encourage all students to wear smart dress.

Many wear ball gowns and dinner jackets but this is not a requirement.

Trainers, jeans and sportswear are, of course, not appropriate.

Does my child need to bring any money to the Prom?

No. All drinks and food/entertainment are included in the cost of the ticket.

What can my child look forward to enjoying at the Prom?

Students are greeted by members of staff before they enter the marquee via a red carpet and enjoy a (non-alcoholic) reception drink.

We have a professional photographer who will take photographs of students and families. Students will be given a code to access a secure site where all photos are stored and you will be able to purchase prints should you wish to do so. 

Inside the marquee we have a mini-casino and disco. Drinks will be provided for students in the form of bottled water and KBA Mocktails. We also have a large chocolate fountain with lots of goodies and an ice-cream van for which students will receive a voucher for a free ice-cream.

There will be a photobooth inside the marquee which students can use as many times as they wish. This is free of charge.

During the evening staff will vote for the Prom King and Prom Queen and the students who win these awards will be crowned towards the end of the evening. We will also present other awards to students at the end of the evening.

Is there alcohol served at the Prom?

No. We do not allow students to drink alcohol whilst at the Prom. Parents of students who appear to be under the influence of alcohol when they arrive may be asked to collect them and take them home. 

Can you confirm that no smoking is not allowed at the Prom?

Yes. Smoking is also not allowed and, again, students who choose to smoke will be asked to leave the event. When using the term 'smoking' this includes vaping.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions about the Prom?

Please email questions you may have to Mr Henton :

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