Anti Bullying
At Kettering Buccleuch Academy we take a strong stance against any incidents of bullying or prejudice related behaviour.
What is bullying?
There is no legal definition of bullying but there is still some Law and guidance which schools and other settings must have regard to.
Some key points:
- The Education Act 2002 Section 175 placed a legal duty on maintained schools and Local Authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
- Some incidents of bullying may also be a treated as a child protection issue by the academy. A bullying incident will be addressed as a child protection issue under the Children Act 1989 when there is ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm.
- Under the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010, schools and childcare providers must take steps to prevent and respond to discriminatory language.
- Schools have the powers to intervene in bullying incidents outside of the school ground including on home-to-school transport, in the community and online.
- Most bullying incidents are not crimes. However, some types of bullying are illegal and we will always ensure that such incidents are reported to the police. This includes bullying that involves violence or assault; theft; harassment and intimidation over a period of time including calling someone names or threatening them, making abusive phone calls, and sending abusive emails or text messages (one incident is not normally enough to get a conviction); and anything involving hate crimes.
- Some cyberbullying activities could be criminal offences under a range of different laws, including the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. There have been some instances of such prosecutions in the UK.

If you are being bullied, witness bullying of someone else or suspect that someone else is being bullied it is important that you tell someone who may be able to help – be an upstander. This may be a friend, your tutor, a teacher, or any member of the staff you feel you can confide in. Alternatively, you can use the e-mail address – or the text (DA 85258) and phone numbers (NSPCC helpline 0800136663) provided on the student council and anti-bullying posters which are in every corridor. You may be allocated an anti-bullying ambassador to mentor you, and help rebuild confidence.
If you are a pupil that engages in bullying behaviour/s you may receive educational and re-calibration sessions to understand how your behaviour has caused distress to another member of the KBA community. This will enable you to learn how to conduct yourself in the future and gain an understanding about bullying behaviour/s and how you can change your behaviour in the future. You may be allocated an anti-bullying ambassador to mentor you. You may receive sanctions up to and including external exclusion.
Be an upstander - any parent who has concerns about their son/daughter or about any other pupil in the Academy should inform an appropriate member of staff (in most cases this will be form tutor or class teacher for that pupil. Details about lines of communication for parents are available via the academy’s website.)
Be confident that all reported incidents of bullying will be investigated and dealt with.
Be aware that the term ‘bullying’ is not an umbrella term that can be used for all incidents –bullying behaviour may be isolated incidents and will be dealt with as a behaviour concern.
Useful documentation for parents from the anti-bullying alliance.
Information for Parents and Carers on bullying
How can I help my child if they are being bullied?
A link to the academy’s anti-bullying policy can also be found here.