
Department Leader: Louise Lovell

Music at KBA is a constantly developing department, aiming to continuously push creative boundaries. We are committed to delivering a broad and varied curriculum for all of our students, as well as providing opportunities to extend learning within a diverse range of enrichment activities. Our teachers deliver inclusive lessons, engaging students through musical emersion and exploration. We believe our students should meet us a place of musical familiarity and then follow a guided tour through a vast expanse of musical genres and traditions!


KS3 Music Curriculum

In Key Stage 3 Music lessons at KBA, it is our intention to enable all pupils to develop their musical potential through engaging experiences, recognising that music is an important part of cultural identity, and that music is also of proven benefit to both cognitive and character development. Performing is a crucial part of this. We encourage and prepare students for lifelong musical learning, both in and out of school, including preparation for further study if appropriate. Pupils are graded using the key performance indicators (KPIs) used widely across all ULT schools. A range of listening and performance tasks will be completed throughout the year in order for students to practically apply their knowledge and understanding.

Year 7 Topics

Over the course of the year, students will cover the following schemes of work, with all students starting with Project 1:

  • Project 1 – Elements of Music: Heroes
  • Project 2 – Film Music 1
  • Project 3 – Electronic Music: Hip Hop
  • Project 4 – Classical: Grade 1
  • Project 5 – World Music and Fusion: Samba
  • Project 6 – Pop: Introduction to Pop 

Year 8 Topics

Over the course of the year, students will cover the following schemes of work, with all students starting with Project 1:

  • Project 1 – Elements of Music: Reggae
  • Project 2 – Film Music 2
  • Project 3 – Electronic Music: Dance Music
  • Project 4 – Classical: Grade 2
  • Project 5 – World Music and Fusion: Western Africa
  • Project 6 – Pop: Band Skills 

Year 9 Topics

Over the course of the year, students will cover the following schemes of work, with all students starting with Project 1:

  • Project 1 – Elements of Music: Jazz
  • Project 2 – Film Music 3
  • Project 3 – Electronic Music: Advanced Dance Music
  • Project 4 – Classical: Grade 3
  • Project 5 – World Music and Fusion: Fusion
  • Project 6 – Pop: Advanced Pop and Band Skills 

A more detailed description and overview for each term can be found in the Music Whole Academy Curriculum.

In addition to curriculum lessons, students in KS3 are encouraged to participate in enrichment activities. These include; Choir, Singing Club, Rock Band, Concert Band Stage School, and use of the practise rooms on a Wednesday and Thursday lunch time.

SEC Instrumental Lesson Letter and Form 23-24

Key Stage 4 Music Curriculum

In Key Stage 4 Music lessons at KBA, it is our intention to provide students with a contemporary, accessible and creative education in music with an integrated approach to the three main elements – performing, composing and appraising. Students are encouraged to be creative and to broaden their musical horizons and understanding with areas of study that inspire and challenge. A range of listening, composing and performance tasks will be completed each term in order to practically apply their knowledge and understanding.

Eduqas GCSE Music

Year 10

  • Term 1 – Step up to GCSE (skills building)
  • Term 2 – AOS1 – Musical Forms and Devices
  • Term 3 – AOS2 – Music for Ensemble
  • Term 4 – AOS3 – Film Music
  • Term 5 – AOS4 – Popular Music
  • Term 6 – Complete Composition and Performance 1

Year 11

  • Term 1 – AOS1 – Musical Forms and Devices
  • Term 2 – AOS4 – Popular Music
  • Term 3 – AOS2 – Music for Ensemble
  • Term 4 – AOS3 – Film Music
  • Term 5 – Revision – All AOS
  • Term 6 – Actual Exam (date TBC) 

A more detailed description and overview for each term can be found in the Music Whole Academy Curriculum.

Please find our Whole Curriculum plans here.

GCSE Bitesize: Music: This site covers all the main areas students need to master to excel at their GCSE Music exams. Each category offers a revision section as well as a test, so students can glean their level of knowledge and identify weaker areas. The revision sections contain recordings, which make it much easier to understand subjects like texture in music, chords and rhythm notation.

IMSLP: This site has hundreds of free scores, that are useful for analyzing closely related pieces to the set works

Music First: We have a subscription to this website that has a wide range of games and quizzes to test your knowledge

In order to enable students to extend their learning beyond lesson times, we deliver several enrichment activities. Some of these are seasonal, and some run throughout the year; including our KBA Stage School, Rock Band and use of the practice rooms.

Each year, we provide a number of musical opportunities. There is a large scale production every year that involves students in music, dance and drama, as well as the technical and backstage support team. We also host other showcases as well as participating in external concerts and competitions. A few years ago we ran a trip to New York and our Steel Pans completed a performance tour of Tuscany.

We are fortunate to belong to United Learning academy group which supports the performing arts excellently within all its schools. We regularly share performances and workshops with other schools from across the country. These have included shows in the Lyceum theatre in the West End, Southwark Cathedral, The Copper Box Stadium and Fairfield Halls, Croydon.

As well as being a part of performances, we also believe it is very important for our students to learn from watching professional productions and concerts.  We have invited companies such as Stomp, English Pocket Opera Company and Voices Foundation into our school to work with us and perform to our students. We also organise numerous trips throughout the year to broaden our students’ experiences.

Monday lunch – Choir (C002) - Open to vocalists who want to improve their singing and learn to sing in harmony.

Monday lunch – KS4 Music Coursework Clinic (C001).

Wednesday lunch – Practice Rooms – Open to all students on a first come, first served basis.

Wednesday after school – Singing Club (C001) – Open to anyone who wants to work on their vocal technique, prepare a song as a solo, duet or small group.

Wednesday after school – Concert Band (C002) – Open to all instrumentalists. We will learn a variety of pieces in many styles, working together as an ensemble.

Thursday lunch – Practice Rooms – Open to all students on a first come, first served basis.

Thursday after school – Rock Band (C002) – Open to keys, guitariats, bassists, drummers and singers. We will learn popular songs, working as a band.

Friday after school – Stage School (Theatre) – Come along if you enjoy singing, dancing and acting – we will work towards our Christmas Show and end of year Production, developing skills as a ‘triple threat’.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy is committed to offering a high standard of music education to its students and we are therefore proud to work alongside Northampton Music and Performing Arts Trust (NMPAT).  KBA highly subsidise the work of the instrumental teachers who come in to the school.  However, as explained in the application form, we do require a contribution from parents for these extra lessons, unless your child qualifies for Pupil Premium or Free School Meals, in which case these lessons are half price or free respectively.

Lessons are organised on a rotating timetable, so that students are taken out of different lessons/lunchtimes each week in order to minimise disruption to their timetabled lessons.  Each year has 33 scheduled lessons, and payment is split evenly between the terms (although the number of lessons per term may vary).  There are two options for instrumental tuition: For students below grade 2 standard we offer paired lessons (at a cost of £75 per term), where the lessons will be shared between two students who attend lessons together. In this case, we will work with the instrumental teacher to find a suitable learning partner for your child who is working at a similar level.  For those working at a standard above grade 2, you may decide to opt for individual lessons (at a cost of £138 per term), meaning your child will receive twenty minutes of one-to-one time with the teacher per week.

If you pay for the whole year upfront, you will receive a discount, therefore further reducing the costs to £200 annual fee for paired lessons, and £372.50 annual fee for individual lessons.

Payment for lessons should be made online via the SCOPAY online payments system, under the title, 23/24 MUSIC LESSONS. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU OVERRIDE THE DEFAULT AMOUNT AND TYPE IN THE AMOUNT YOU WISH TO PAY.

First priority for allocation of lessons will go to students who are already receiving lessons, and the rest of the lessons will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We will do our best to accommodate your child’s needs, but in the event that all spaces are filled for the chosen instrument we will form a waiting list and refund your initial payment.

Feel free to contact either Mrs Lovell ( a member of the school finance department ( if you require any further information.

SEC Instrumental Lesson Letter and Form


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