Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is designed to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of children and young people from low-income families. At KBA, we are committed to supporting disadvantaged pupils’ achievement. We have a whole school ethos of attainment for all evidenced through the planning, teaching and learning to deliver high quality teaching for all in every department. Our dedicated Pastoral and Welfare teams provide strong social and emotional support
Pupil Premium Grant
Additional funding is provided to schools in order to support students with their learning and provide free school meals for children of parents/ carers who receive any of the following benefits (information taken from the DfE website):
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- Universal Credit (income dependant)
You can apply online to see if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding by clicking the link below and selecting ‘Apply for the pupil premium’ button. Please note, the child must reside with the applicant.
School Uniform: Parent / Carer Information – July 2023
We understand that buying a school uniform can be expensive. That is why we have followed the government guidance on how to best support students to make this affordable.
We have taken into consideration:
- The total cost of school uniform and all items of uniform or clothing parents / carers will need to provide while their child is at the school.
- Kept the use of branded items to a minimum – these are the items of clothing including the KBA logo.
- Ensured that our uniform supplier gives the highest priority to cost and value for money (including the quality and durability of the garment).
- Tried to keep a stock of second-hand uniforms available for parents / carers to acquire.
Support and advice:
- Unfortunately, we do not have a policy of purchasing every item of school uniform for our Pupil Premium students. (If you would like any information about how we spend our allocation, please refer to our ‘Pupil Premium Strategy’)
In some cases we may be able to offer support for ONE item. If you would like to request the purchase of one item please use the link below or scan the QR code.

Please allow at least 3 – 5 working days for us to make contact over the summer regarding purchases
Further Advice:
Please note that if you would like any further information regarding school uniform or advice about purchasing our branded school uniform items or acquiring and of our good quality second-hand uniform stock, please contact:
LauraTerret@kba.uk (Primary and Secondary welfare)
francesdempster@kba.uk (Pupil Premium Lead Secondary)
Angelaoneill@kba.uk (Head of Primary)
Laurawoolford@kba.uk (Pupil Premium Lead Primary)
Your request will be considered by our welfare team and Pupil Premium Leads.
Frances Dempster
Strategic PP Lead
How to apply for Free School Meals
Primary Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Secondary Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Pupil Premium 3 Year Plan