The Best in Everyone!

The Primary department provides strong foundations for children who start their learning journey at Kettering Buccleuch Academy. Children benefit from being part of an all through academy, 4 to 18, by being able to access specialist teaching, learning spaces and resources. The state of the art building and facilities have been designed to enable teaching staff to teach an enriched creative curriculum which will inspire and enable children to achieve the highest possible academic and personal achievements.

The academy House system has been created to foster responsibility in children, to provide opportunities to be part of a 'family' that strives towards the same aspirational goal, to support others in that challenge and to engage all in demonstrating and modelling the values of KBA. Children will learn how to form positive relationships, develop personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness and discover how they are able to fulfil personal goals and ambitions. Staff are committed to creating learning partnerships with parents and the community.

We look forward to meeting new parents and children and warmly welcome them to the primary department.

Angela O'Neill
Head of Primary

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